lørdag den 5. november 2011

Info + Update? :3

Elloww !! ~~ My name is Miu, and i'm a danish cosplayer. I'm 14 years old, and i'm having a girlfriend called Chii ~<3 Short info lol.. Live with it >D

Next weekend it's Jpopcon.. o_o;;; Can't wait to see Chii, Dino, Hy, Woller, Trine, Melissa, Zoey, Pixie etc. etc. : D It's going to be awsome!>w< And i just finished all of my cosplays! ~~ Oh well i'm going to remake my magnet headphones a little tomorrow.. But then i'm done! ~~ >w< ... 

Sadly i need to style a wig friday, that i'm going to need saturday, cuz i get it friday ToT ~~ FUUUUU!! D: 
But it's going to be awsome anyway. 

Oh well... I'm bad at updates LOL xD;; Live with it bæches. >D 

Miu is over and out ~~ 

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